Hi! My name is Isaac Basque-Rice, I'm A Security Engineer and former Abertay Ethical Hacker, and this website is a repository for all the cool stuff I've done, enjoy!
Here’s a list of all of the walkthrough and help/guide articles I have written, most of which were originally for the hacksoc wiki, enjoy!
If you learned something from this, why not send me over a little tip by way of thanks? No pressure but it would be much appreciated :)
A guide to assembly language I’ve written based on some summer research into reverse engineering and low level computing!
A quick primer on Radare2, the free and open source reverse engineering framework with the world’s biggest learning curve™
Learning how to properly google is (I would say) one of if not the most important things any budding techie should know how to do, here’s my article on it
Quick walkthrough of Vimium, the browser extension that allows you to navigate the internet using your keyboard only
Using a very good video tutorial (available here) to learn the process of Subnetting
Installing Arch Linux, a How-To guide (not as hard as people make it out to be)
A look into the Z Shell, Bash’s quicker, richer cousin who’s just a bit less recognisable
Some basic Linux Commands, does what it says on the tin, really!
A quick look at Vim, the best text editor available (fight me)
A guide to the basics of Markdown, the lightweight markup language that’s pretty much ubiquitous across the internet
A slightly reworked and reworded version of my original Kali installation walkthrough